Andris Nelsons abandona el nuevo Parsifal de Bayreuth por desavenencias con Thielemann
Una de las citas más esperadas del año, el nuevo Parsifal del Festival de Bayreuth, no contará finalmente con la batuta de Andris Nelsons al frente. El director letón ha anunciado hoy que abandona esta producción por insalvables difernecias con Chrsitian Thielemann, principal responsable musical del festival. No se ha anunciado por el momento ningún sustituto, con los ensayos ya iniciados. Reproducimos a continuación el comunicado oficial emitido por Andris Nelsons:
With utmost respect to the Bayreuth Festival's management and staff, director and his team, assistant conductors, cast, orchestra and chorus, Andris Nelsons has asked the Festival's management for rescission of his contract for this Summer’s production of Parsifal.
Owing to a differing approach in various matters, the atmosphere at this year’s Bayreuth Festival did not develop in a mutually comfortable way for all parties. With regret, the Bayreuth Festival agree to Andris Nelsons’ request.
Andris Nelsons is deeply sorry to be sharing this news with his Friends, Supporters and Colleagues and hopes very much for understanding and sends his warmest wishes to all.