Dmitri Hvorostovsky vuelve a posponer sus actuaciones para tratarse un tumor cerebral
El barítono ruso Dmitri Hvorostovsky se ha visto obligado a posponer una vez más su agenda para proseguir con el tratamiento que le está ayudando a combatir un tumor cerebral desde hace ya varios meses. En concreto, ha decidido cancelar sus compromisos operísticos, no así sus recitales y grabaciones. Así lo ha comunicado con el siguiente mensajes en sus sedes sociales:
To all my friends, fans and colleagues:
It is with great sadness that I must withdraw from opera performances for the foreseeable future.
I have been experiencing balance issues associated with my illness, making it extremely difficult for me to perform in staged productions.
I will continue to give concerts and recitals as well as make recordings. Singing is my life, and I want to continue bringing joy to people worldwide.
With this pause in my operatic career and more rest in between each engagement, I hope to have more time to focus on my health and treatment.
Thank you for all your love, messages and well wishes. Your support is felt and means the world to me.
With love,