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Mariss Jansons aclara sus polémicas declaraciones sobre las mujeres directoras de orquesta

A través de la Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, de la que es titular, Mariss Jansons ha hecho llegar el siguiente comunicado aclarando sus polémicas declaraciones sobre el papel de las mujeres en el mundo de la dirección de orquesta:

In a recent interview with the British newspaper ‘The Daily Telegraph’ (see link), a quote from me was published which has provoked considerable attention in the media. I would like to respond to this with the following statement: I come from a generation in which the conducting profession was almost exclusively reserved to men. Even today, many more men than women pursue conducting professionally. But it was undiplomatic, unnecessary and counterproductive for me to point out that I’m not yet accustomed to seeing women on the conducting platform. Every one of my female colleagues and every young woman wishing to become a conductor can be assured of my support, for we all work in pursuit of a common goal: to excite people for the art form we love so dearly - music.common goal: to inspire people for what we love - the music.