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MetOpera Orchestra RoseCallahan 

El Met alerta a los músicos de su orquesta, ante el positivo por covid-19 de uno de sus miembros

Con el siguiente mensaje, la administración del Metropolitan de Nueva York ha alertado a los miembros de su orquesta para que se pongan en cuarentena, ante el positivo en coronavirus de uno de sus miembros. 

We regret to let you know that we have just been informed a member of our orchestra has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. This musician was last at the Met on March 11. CDC guidelines dictate that those who have had close contact with someone with the virus must self-quarantine at home for 14 days from the date of potential exposure. We know that this 14-day period is almost over but still felt it important to notify you. Given the close quarters in which our musicians work at the Met, we believe it is prudent for all of our musicians to operate as though they had close contact with this individual.

According to the CDC, while in self-quarantine, you should check yourself for fever and remain alert for other symptoms commonly associated with this virus including cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat. If you think that you may have COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider immediately and follow their directions. Please also notify the Met's Human Resources office.

We wish our colleague very well on their recovery, and we thank you for your assistance in helping prevent the possible spread of the virus. We know this is difficult news; please do not hesitate to reach out to me for support.

El Metropolitan suspendió esta misma semana su actividad por el resto de la presente temporada, que iba a extenderse hasta comienzos del mes de mayo. La decisión incluyó la polémica medida de suspender con ello el pago a los miembros de su orquesta y los componentes de su coro, a partir del mes de abril.